- CocoaSoils: highlights of achievements and key learnings. By Leonard Rusinamhodzi
- On-farm testing of GAPs x fertilizer combinations in existing cocoa plantations (Satellite trials). By Leonard Rusinamhodzi
- Data management in CocoaSoils – ontology and links to EiA data. By Arun Pratihast, Ekatherina Vasquez, Sander Janssen, Eloi Ribeiro and Hugo de Groot.
- Deforestation and the new EU regulation Some implications in cocoa. By Marieke Sassen, Eric Rahn, Christian Bunn and some Meine van Noordwijk
- Deriving fertiliser recommendations for cocoa: an offtake model approach. By Ekatherina Vasquez-Zambrano Lotte Woittiez, Joost van Heerwaarden, Leonard Rusinamhodzi, Stefan Hauser & Ken E. Giller.
- Impact of Decreased Water availability on Cocoa tree performance. By Luccette Adet.
- Impact of Training in Integrated Soil Fertility Management (ISFM) on Farm Performance and Welfare of Cocoa Farmers: A Case of West and Central Africa. By CocoaSoils Monitoring and Evaluation Team.
- Knowledge, perception, and willingness to pay for cocoa rehabilitation in Ghana – leveraging CGIAR’s Regional Initiative for planning. By Richard Asare.
- Multi-Locational Nutrient Response Trials for the Development of Cocoa Fertilizer Recommendations. By Stefan Hauser, Ekatherina Vasquez, Joost van Heerwaarden, Alain Jacques Acka Kotaix, Moses O. Ogunlade, Adolphe Kemga, Didier Begoude, Aka Romain, Kouadio Frederic Oura, Amos Quaye, Eduardo Chavez, Niken Sari, Leonard Rusinamhodzi & Ken E. Giller.
- Effets de de la Fertilisation Minerale sur la Croissance et La Precocite de Production des Cacaoyers au Centre-Sud de la Côte D’Ivoire. By KOFFI Kouakou Stanislas.
- The science of pruning. By Ambra Tosto
- The drivers of plant diversity in West and Central African cocoa plantations. By Calum Maney.
- Is “regeneration” possible? Plant diversity and benefits in West and Central African cocoa plantations. By Calum Maney.
- Biodiversity and ecosystem services in and from cocoa. By Marieke Sassen & Calum Maney.
- Climatic explanations for main season cocoa production anomalies in Cote d’Ivoire. By Matthew Jones, Clare Stirling, Kassin, Emmanuel2 and Niels Anten.
- Achieving sustainable cocoa intensification in Cameroon: Current constraints and effectiveness of service delivery. By Urcil Papito Kenfack Essougong.
- Integrated soil fertility management of cocoa. By Ken Giller & Piet van Asten.
- Delivering services for suitable cocoa intensification. By Urcil Papito Kenfack Essougong.
- ISFM: from concept to implementation in cocoa: A glimpse of PhD project. By Deo-gratis Hougni.