Emmanuel Koffi Kassin (Ph.D.)
CNRA Senior Research Scientist/Core Trial Manager – Divo, Cote d’Ivoire

Senior Research Scientist
Centre National de Recherche Agronomique (CNRA)
Core Trial Manager – Divo, Cote d’Ivoire
Emmanuel Koffi Kassin (Ph.D.) has 13 years of experience in cocoa research. He is a senior researcher in charge of the Agronomy Physiology laboratory in the cacao research program. His research focuses on soil management and conservation, identification of suitable soils for cocoa, updating of the climate zones of the coffee and cocoa belt. He also works on several other topics in collaboration with other research institutions, particularly with the IRD on carbon sequestration by agro-forestry systems in cocoa farming, the University Felix Houphouet Boigny on the use of A. mangium as bio-fixers of metallic trace elements for the sanitation waste dumps. He currently serves as a resource person in several other national, international and regional research and development project on cocoa farming. In the cocoa program, he supervises 2 junior researchers, 20 technicians and 4 PhD students and 4 masters. He is responsible for the conception, planning and supervision of research activities in agronomy physiology and a member of the CaSA network (Soil Carbon for Sustainable Agriculture), focused on the evaluation and vulgarization of agricultural systems that promote carbon sequestration. His PhD focused on the study of pedoclimatic conditions for cocoa replanting in Ivory Coast.