Eric Rahn (Ph.D.)
CIAT PostDoc Fellow

Postdoc Fellow
International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT)
Identification of recommendation domains and impact of sustainable intensification on forest pressure as well as the monitoring, evaluation and learning component on avoided deforestation.
Eric Rahn (Ph.D.) is a Postdoctoral fellow at the regional office for Asia for CIAT in Hanoi, Vietnam. His research focuses on farming systems analysis and crop modelling with particular interests in perennial tropical crops (i.e. coffee and cocoa) and agroforestry systems. Within CocoaSoils Eric leads CIAT’s work on identification of recommendation domains and impact of sustainable intensification on forest pressure as well as the monitoring, evaluation and learning component on avoided deforestation. He is a co-supervisor of the CocoaSoils PhD student Paulina Asante from Wageningen University & Research.