Lucette Adet
Wageningen Research and University PhD student

PhD student
Crops system Analysis group, Wageningen University & Research
Ph.D. Thesis Topic : Ecophysiology and Nutrition of Cocoa
Lucette Adet, is from Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire. She has a BSc. in Biology and Plant Physiology (University of Cocody/Cote d’Ivoire); and an MSc in Climate Change and Adapted Land Use (Federal University Technology Minna, Niger state, Nigeria). She is a sandwich PhD student on the CocoaSoils project on Climate Smart Agriculture. She is supervised by Prof Niels Anten, Prof Pieter Zuidema of Wageningen University & Reseacrh, Dr Phillipe Vaast of ICRAF/CIRAD and Dr Kassin Emmanuel (of CNRA Cote d’Ivoire).