WATCH: CocoaSoils Webinar on Living Income

On 7 September 2021, the CocoaSoils consortium organized a webinar to explore…

20 Extension Agents of Kuapa Kokoo Trained to Disseminate CocoaSoils' ISFM Recommendations

20 extension agents of Kuapa Kokoo attended a Partnership for Delivery (P4D)…

Satellite Trials' Validation Training for Enumerators

The Satellite Trials under the CocoaSoils project will be implemented in…

Second Annual CocoaSoils Forum - 2020

The Second edition of the CocoaSoils Forum took place on January 23, 2020, at…

Field Trip - Mabang Ghana

In September 2019, Ekatherina Vasquez, the Research Assistant for Core Trials…

CocoaSoils at Tropentag 2019

The annual interdisciplinary conference on research in tropical and subtropical…

The 4th Open Science meeting 2019 of the Global Land Program

As part of the 4th Open Science meeting 2019 of the Global Land Program, Dr…

Modelling soil fertility restoration strategies using organic inputs in cocoa plantations

Thomas Fungenzi is a PhD student with the University of Cranfield and is…

Maiden Annual Forum - 2019

The maiden annual Forum for the CocoaSoils program has been held at the Hill…

Maiden baseline coordinators’ meeting

Training of enumerators for baseline survey The Monitoring and Evaluation Unit…